open class BuildFeature : Parametrized
Represents TeamCity build feature
BuildFeature(base: BuildFeature? = null, init: BuildFeature.() -> Unit = {}) |
var enabled: Boolean
Specifies whether the feature is enabled |
var id: String?
Build feature id, if not specified will be generated |
var type: String
Build feature type |
open val params: List<Parameter> |
fun booleanParameter(customName: String? = null, trueValue: String? = "true", falseValue: String? = "false"): BooleanDelegate |
fun <T : CompoundParam> compoundParameter(customName: String? = null): CompoundParamDelegate<T> |
fun <E : Enum<E>> enumParameter(customName: String? = null, mapping: Map<E, String?>? = null): EnumDelegate<E> |
fun intParameter(customName: String? = null): IntDelegate |
fun param(name: String, value: String): Unit
Adds parameter |
fun stringParameter(customName: String? = null): StringDelegate |
open class AutoMerge : BuildFeature
Build feature enabling automatic merge in build configuration or template. |
open class CommitStatusPublisher : BuildFeature
A build feature publishing status to external system |
open class DockerSupportFeature : BuildFeature
Docker Support feature tracks pushed images and adds a dedicated tab with information about them. |
open class FailureCondition : BuildFeature
TeamCity failure condition |
open class FileContentReplacer : BuildFeature
A build feature which processes text files by performing regular expressions |
open class FreeDiskSpace : BuildFeature
Build feature ensuring certain free disk space on the agent before the build by deleting files managed by the TeamCity agent. |
open class GolangFeature : BuildFeature
Golang feature processing Golang tests |
open class InvestigationsAutoAssigner : BuildFeature
A build feature assigning investigations of build failures automatically based on heuristics |
open class JiraCloudIntegration : BuildFeature
A build feature enabling integration with Jira Cloud via its Build and Deployment APIs |
open class Notifications : BuildFeature
Build feature for notification rule |
open class NuGetFeedCredentials : BuildFeature
A build feature to provide feed credentials. |
open class NuGetPackagesIndexer : BuildFeature
A build feature to index *.nupkg files in build artifacts into TeamCity NuGet Feed. |
open class Perfmon : BuildFeature
A build feature allows you to get the statistics on the CPU, disk and memory usage during a build run on a build agent. |
open class PullRequests : BuildFeature
A build feature that introduces GitHub pull requests integration |
open class SshAgent : BuildFeature
A build feature which runs SSH agent during a build with the specified SSH key loaded |
open class Swabra : BuildFeature
A build feature cleaning files and processes created during a build |
open class VcsLabeling : BuildFeature
Build feature enabling automatic VCS labeling in a build. |