open class VcsRoot : Parametrized
A base class representing TeamCity VCS root.
To appear in UI a VCS root should be registered in a project using the vcsRoot method.
VCS root can be attached to a build configuration or template with specified checkout rules using the root() method in the vcs() block.
The uuid, extId, name, and type are mandatory properties for a valid VCS root.
VCS root parameters can be defined via the param method. TeamCity vcs plugins extend this class and provide a typed DSL which makes editing parameters easier.
See Also
VcsRoot(init: VcsRoot.() -> Unit = {}, base: VcsRoot? = null)
Creates a new VCS root. Copies all settings from the specified base (if it is not null) and runs the init function on the created instance. |
var extId: String
VCS root external id. It appears in web UI and is used in urls. Can be changed at any time. But be aware that some settings use it, e.g. as a part of parameter reference. If you change the extId, you should find all its occurrences in the current project and change them too. |
var name: String
VCS root name |
var pollInterval: Int?
VCS root polling interval |
var type: String
VCS type |
var uuid: String
VCS root uuid. It is mandatory, TeamCity uses it to identify entities. If root's uuid changes, TeamCity considers it to be a new VCS root. |
open val params: List<Parameter> |
fun booleanParameter(customName: String? = null, trueValue: String? = "true", falseValue: String? = "false"): BooleanDelegate |
fun <T : CompoundParam> compoundParameter(customName: String? = null): CompoundParamDelegate<T> |
fun <E : Enum<E>> enumParameter(customName: String? = null, mapping: Map<E, String?>? = null): EnumDelegate<E> |
fun intParameter(customName: String? = null): IntDelegate |
fun param(name: String, value: String): Unit
Adds parameter |
fun stringParameter(customName: String? = null): StringDelegate |
open class GitVcsRoot : VcsRoot
Git VCS root |
open class HgVcsRoot : VcsRoot
Mercurial VCS root |
open class PerforceVcsRoot : VcsRoot
Perforce VCS root |
open class SvnVcsRoot : VcsRoot
A Subversion VCS root |
open class TfsVcsRoot : VcsRoot
TFS VCS root |