open class AntBuildStep : BuildStep
A build step running ant script
See Also
sealed class CoverageEngine : CompoundParam |
enum class ImagePlatform
Docker image platforms |
sealed class Mode : CompoundParam |
enum class TestPolicy
Tests reordering policy |
AntBuildStep(init: AntBuildStep.() -> Unit = {}, base: AntBuildStep? = null) |
var antArguments: String?
Space-separated list of additional arguments for ant |
var antHome: String?
Path to ant distribution on the agent, specify it when you want to use custom ant instead of the bundled ant 1.9.7 |
var coverageEngine: CoverageEngine?
Specifies coverage engine to use |
var dockerImage: String?
Specifies which Docker image to use for running this build step. I.e. the build step will be run inside specified docker image, using 'docker run' wrapper. |
var dockerImagePlatform: ImagePlatform?
Specifies which Docker image platform will be used to run this build step. |
var dockerPull: Boolean?
If enabled, "docker pull image" will be run before docker run. |
var dockerRunParameters: String?
Additional docker run command arguments |
var jdkHome: String?
Custom JDK to use. The default is JAVA_HOME environment variable or the agent's own Java. |
var jvmArgs: String?
Space-separated list of additional arguments for JVM |
var mode: Mode?
Specifies what ant script will be executed |
var reduceTestFeedback: TestPolicy?
Whether TeamCity should reorder tests to reduce test feedback |
var targets: String?
Space-separated list of ant targets to execute |
var workingDir: String?
Build working directory for ant script, specify it if it is different from the checkout directory. |
var conditions: BuildStepConditions
Optional collection of build step execution conditions |
var enabled: Boolean
Specifies whether the step is enabled |
var executionMode: ExecutionMode
Build step execution mode |
var id: String?
Id of the step, if not specified will be generated |
var name: String
Build step name |
var type: String
Build step type |
fun antFile(init: AntFile.() -> Unit = {}): AntFile
Executes the ant script at the given path |
fun antScript(init: AntScript.() -> Unit = {}): AntScript
Executes the ant script with the given content |
fun emma(init: Emma.() -> Unit = {}): Emma
Emma coverage engine Emma is out of date and it does not support Java 8. Consider using IntelliJ IDEA or JaCoCo coverage runners. Add a 'clean' target to your Ant build for this coverage runner to work. |
fun idea(init: Idea.() -> Unit = {}): Idea |
fun jacoco(init: Jacoco.() -> Unit = {}): Jacoco |
fun conditions(base: BuildStepConditions? = null, init: BuildStepConditions.() -> Unit = {}): Unit
Configures build step conditions |