open class BuildStep : Parametrized, Validatable
Represents TeamCity Build Step
enum class ExecutionMode
Specifies how build step should be executed in case of failures in other steps |
BuildStep(init: BuildStep.() -> Unit)
Creates a build step and initializes it with the specified init block BuildStep()
Represents TeamCity Build Step |
var conditions: BuildStepConditions
Optional collection of build step execution conditions |
var enabled: Boolean
Specifies whether the step is enabled, true by default |
var executionMode: ExecutionMode
Build step execution mode |
var id: String?
Id of the step, if not specified will be generated |
var name: String
Build step name |
var type: String
Build step type |
val params: List<Parameter> |
fun clearConditions(): Unit
Deletes all configured build step conditions |
fun conditions(init: BuildStepConditions.() -> Unit = {}): Unit
Configures build step conditions |
open fun create(): BuildStep
Creates an instance of this build step via reflection using a no argument constructor, used during copying. Throws an error if this class doesn't have a default constructor. Subclasses can override it to create an instance without using a default constructor. |
open fun toString(): String |
open fun validate(consumer: ErrorConsumer): Unit
Validates this object and reports found errors to the provided consumer |
fun booleanParameter(customName: String? = null, trueValue: String? = "true", falseValue: String? = "false"): SingleDelegateProvider<Boolean> |
fun <T : CompoundParam<T>> compoundParameter(customName: String? = null): CompoundDelegateProvider<T> |
fun <T : Parametrized> copyParamsTo(target: T): T
Copies parameters of this object to the specified target |
fun <E : Enum<E>> enumParameter(customName: String? = null, mapping: Map<E, String?>? = null): SingleDelegateProvider<E> |
fun findRawParam(paramName: String): Parameter? |
fun hasParam(paramName: String): Boolean |
fun intParameter(customName: String? = null): SingleDelegateProvider<Int> |
fun param(name: String, value: String): Unit
Adds parameter with specified name and value |
fun removeRawParam(paramName: String): Unit |
fun stringParameter(customName: String? = null): SingleDelegateProvider<String> |
open class AntBuildStep : BuildStep
A build step running ant script |
open class BuildStepPlaceholder : BuildStep
Base class for a build step placeholder. Build step placeholder is used in a build configuration template to indicate where the build steps of a configuration will go when it is attached to the template. |
open class DevenvBuildStep : BuildStep
A Visual Studio IDE step to run Visual Studio IDE command |
open class DockerBuildStep : BuildStep
Deprecated, was used for Docker Build build step. Please use Docker command runner step instead. |
open class DockerCommandStep : BuildStep
A build step for a generic docker command runner (can run Docker build, push, other...) |
open class DockerComposeStep : BuildStep
A build step for docker-compose step. |
open class DotnetBuildStep : BuildStep
A dotnet build step to run .NET CLI command |
open class DotnetCleanStep : BuildStep
A dotnet clean step to run .NET CLI command |
open class DotnetCustomStep : BuildStep
A dotnet build step to run a custom command |
open class DotnetMsBuildStep : BuildStep
A .NET msbuild step to run .NET MSBuild |
open class DotnetNugetDeleteStep : BuildStep
A dotnet nuget delete step to run .NET CLI command |
open class DotnetNugetPushStep : BuildStep
A dotnet nuget push step to run .NET CLI command |
open class DotnetPackStep : BuildStep
A dotnet pack step to run .NET CLI command |
open class DotnetPublishStep : BuildStep
A dotnet publish step to run .NET CLI command |
open class DotnetRestoreStep : BuildStep
A dotnet restore step to run .NET CLI command |
open class DotnetRunStep : BuildStep
A dotnet run step to run .NET CLI command |
open class DotnetTestStep : BuildStep
A dotnet test step to run .NET CLI command |
open class DotnetVsTestStep : BuildStep
A .NET vstest step to run .NET VSTest |
open class ExecBuildStep : BuildStep
A build step running the specified executable with given arguments |
open class GradleBuildStep : BuildStep
A build step running gradle script |
abstract class IdeaSettingsBasedRunner : BuildStep |
open class MSBuildStep : BuildStep
A build step running MSBuild script |
open class MSTestStep : BuildStep
A build step running MSTest tests |
open class MSpecStep : BuildStep
A build step running MSpec tests |
open class MavenBuildStep : BuildStep
A build step running maven |
open class NAntStep : BuildStep
A build step running NAnt scripts |
open class NUnitStep : BuildStep
A build step running NUnit tests |
open class NuGetInstallerStep : BuildStep
A NuGet installer step to run nuget restore command |
open class NuGetPackStep : BuildStep
A NuGet pack step to run nuget pack command |
open class NuGetPublishStep : BuildStep
A NuGet publish step to run nuget push command |
open class PowerShellStep : BuildStep
A build step running PowerShell script |
open class ScriptBuildStep : BuildStep
A build step running a script with the specified content |
open class VSTestStep : BuildStep
A build step running Visual Studio Tests |
open class VisualStudioStep : BuildStep
A build step running Visual Studio solution. |