open class BuildFailureOnMetric : FailureCondition
A build failure condition failing build on metric change.
See Also
sealed class CompareTo : CompoundParam<CompareTo> |
enum class MetricComparison
A type of metric change |
enum class MetricType
A type of the metric |
enum class MetricUnit
Specifies how to treat the threshold specified in the failure condition |
BuildFailureOnMetric(init: BuildFailureOnMetric.() -> Unit) BuildFailureOnMetric()
A build failure condition failing build on metric change. |
var compareTo: CompareTo?
Specifies which value should be compared to the metric value in the build |
var comparison: MetricComparison?
On which type of metric change a build should fail |
var metric: MetricType?
Type of the metric |
var stopBuildOnFailure: Boolean?
Immediately stop the build if it fails due to this failure condition |
var threshold: Int?
Threshold for build failure. A build will fail when a metric is changed more significantly than the specified threshold. Threshold change is treated according to the selected units. If not specified, the default value 1 is used. |
var units: MetricUnit?
Specifies the unit of the given threshold (default metric units or percents) |
fun build(init: Build.() -> Unit = {}): Build
The metric value in the build should be compared to the metric value from a build matched by the rule |
open fun validate(consumer: ErrorConsumer): Unit
Validates this object and reports found errors to the provided consumer |
fun value(): Value
The metric value in the build should be compared to the threshold |
open fun toString(): String |