open class DotnetNugetPushStep : BuildStep
A dotnet nuget push step to run .NET CLI command
See Also
enum class ImagePlatform
Docker image platforms |
enum class Verbosity
Logging verbosity |
DotnetNugetPushStep(init: DotnetNugetPushStep.() -> Unit) DotnetNugetPushStep()
A dotnet nuget push step to run .NET CLI command |
var apiKey: String?
Specify the API key to access the NuGet packages feed. For the built-in TeamCity NuGet server use %teamcity.nuget.feed.api.key%. |
var args: String?
Enter additional command line parameters for dotnet nuget push. |
var dockerImage: String?
Specifies which Docker image to use for running this build step. I.e. the build step will be run inside specified docker image, using 'docker run' wrapper. |
var dockerImagePlatform: ImagePlatform?
Specifies which Docker image platform will be used to run this build step. |
var dockerPull: Boolean?
If enabled, "docker pull image" will be run before docker run. |
var dockerRunParameters: String?
Additional docker run command arguments |
var logging: Verbosity?
Specify logging verbosity |
var noSymbols: Boolean?
Do not publish an existing nuget symbols package |
var packages: String?
Specify paths to nuget packages. Wildcards are supported. |
var serverUrl: String?
Specify the server URL. To use a TeamCity NuGet feed, specify the URL from the NuGet feed project settings page. |
var conditions: BuildStepConditions
Optional collection of build step execution conditions |
var enabled: Boolean
Specifies whether the step is enabled, true by default |
var executionMode: ExecutionMode
Build step execution mode |
var id: String?
Id of the step, if not specified will be generated |
var name: String
Build step name |
var type: String
Build step type |
open fun validate(consumer: ErrorConsumer): Unit
Validates this object and reports found errors to the provided consumer |
fun clearConditions(): Unit
Deletes all configured build step conditions |
fun conditions(init: BuildStepConditions.() -> Unit = {}): Unit
Configures build step conditions |
open fun create(): BuildStep
Creates an instance of this build step via reflection using a no argument constructor, used during copying. Throws an error if this class doesn't have a default constructor. Subclasses can override it to create an instance without using a default constructor. |
open fun toString(): String |