class BuildStepConditions : Requirements
Collection of build step conditions in a build step
Collection of build step conditions in a build step |
fun contains(param: String, value: String, id: String? = null): Unit
Adds a requirement that the value of the specified parameter contains the given value |
fun doesNotContain(param: String, value: String, id: String? = null): Unit
Adds a requirement that the value of the specified parameter does not contain the given value |
fun doesNotEqual(param: String, value: String, id: String? = null): Unit
Adds a requirement that the value of the specified parameter is not equal to the given value |
fun doesNotExist(param: String, id: String? = null): Unit
Adds a requirement that the parameter with the specified name does not exist on the agent |
fun doesNotMatch(param: String, value: String, id: String? = null): Unit
Adds a requirement that the value of the specified parameter does not match the given value |
fun endsWith(param: String, value: String, id: String? = null): Unit
Adds a requirement that the value of the specified parameter ends with the given value |
fun equals(param: String, value: String, id: String? = null): Unit
Adds a requirement that the value of the specified parameter is equal to the given value |
fun exists(param: String, id: String? = null): Unit
Adds a requirement that the parameter with the specified name exists on the agent |
fun lessThan(param: String, value: String, id: String? = null): Unit
Adds a requirement that the value of the specified parameter is less than the given value |
fun lessThanVer(param: String, value: String, id: String? = null): Unit
Adds a requirement that the value of the specified parameter is less than the given value as a version |
fun matches(param: String, value: String, id: String? = null): Unit
Adds a requirement that the value of the specified parameter matches the given value |
fun moreThan(param: String, value: String, id: String? = null): Unit
Adds a requirement that the value of the specified parameter is greater than the given value |
fun moreThanVer(param: String, value: String, id: String? = null): Unit
Adds a requirement that the value of the specified parameter is greater than the given value as a version |
fun noLessThan(param: String, value: String, id: String? = null): Unit
Adds a requirement that the value of the specified parameter is not less than the given value |
fun noLessThanVer(param: String, value: String, id: String? = null): Unit
Adds a requirement that the value of the specified parameter is not less than the given value as a version |
fun noMoreThan(param: String, value: String, id: String? = null): Unit
Adds a requirement that the value of the specified parameter is not greater than the given value |
fun noMoreThanVer(param: String, value: String, id: String? = null): Unit
Adds a requirement that the value of the specified parameter is not greater than the given value as a version |
operator fun plus(other: Requirements): Requirements operator fun plus(req: Requirement): Requirements |
fun requirement(r: Requirement): Unit
Adds the specified requirement |
fun startsWith(param: String, value: String, id: String? = null): Unit
Adds a requirement that the value of the specified parameter starts with the given value |