
55 lines
1.7 KiB

package main
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
* <> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
* can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
* this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import (
func main() {
hostPtr := flag.String("host", "", "Redis Server FQDN:port")
usernamePtr := flag.String("username", "", "Redis Server username")
passwordPtr := flag.String("password", "", "Redis user password")
//dbPtr := flag.Int("db", 0, "Redis db, default 0")
initializeDBPtr := flag.Bool("initialize", false, "Boolean initialize db, default false")
ratePtr := flag.Int("rate", 5, "Test rate limit, default 50/sec")
burstPtr := flag.Bool("burst", false, "Boolean burst test default true")
//todo this should be off that same csv rather than an input
maxEntriesPtr := flag.Int("dbEntries", 50000, "Test rate limit, default 50/sec")
testDurationPtr := flag.Int("duration", 10, "Duration of each test")
host := *hostPtr
username := *usernamePtr
password := *passwordPtr
//db := *dbPtr
initializeDB := *initializeDBPtr
rate := *ratePtr
burst := *burstPtr
keyMaxValue := *maxEntriesPtr
durationInt := *testDurationPtr
duration := time.Second * time.Duration(durationInt)
pool := newPool(host, username, password)
client := pool.Get()
defer client.Close()
if initializeDB {
buildTestData(&client, 50000)
getRateTest(&client, rate, keyMaxValue, duration)
if burst {
getBurstTest(&client, rate, keyMaxValue, duration)
fmt.Println("Tests completed...")