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<#-- @ftlvariable name="serverUrl" type="java.lang.String" -->
<#-- @ftlvariable name="resetLinks" type="java.util.List<com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair<jetbrains.buildServer.users.SUser, java.lang.String>>" -->
<#-- @ftlvariable name="registerLink" type="java.lang.String" -->
<#-- @ftlvariable name="canRegister" type="java.lang.Boolean" -->
<#global subject>Reset your TeamCity password</#global>
<#global body>
This email address "${email}" was used when trying to change the password on the TeamCity server ${serverUrl}.
<#if resetLinks?size == 0>
The password change has failed because the email address was not found in our database of registered users.
<#if canRegister>
Please use the following link if you want to create a new user account: ${registerLink}
<#if resetLinks?size == 1>
This email address is associated with the user '${resetLinks[0].first.username}'; use the following link to reset the password: ${resetLinks[0].second}
This email address is associated with several registered users, use corresponding links to reset their passwords:
<#list resetLinks as resetLink>
Reset user '${resetLink.first.username}' <#if (resetLink.first.lastLoginTimestamp)??>(last logged in ${resetLink.first.lastLoginTimestamp?string("dd MMM yy HH:mm")})</#if> password ${resetLink.second}
If you did not request a password reset from TeamCity, please ignore this message.
<#global bodyHtml>
<div style="padding: 5px 5px; font-size: 14px; line-height: 20px">
This email address "${email}" was used when trying to reset the password on the TeamCity server <a href="${serverUrl}">${serverUrl}</a>.
<#if resetLinks?size == 0>
The password change has failed because the email address was not found in our database of registered users.
<#if canRegister>
Please use the following link if you want to create a new user account:
<p><a href="${registerLink}">Register</a></p>
<#elseif resetLinks?size == 1>
This email address is associated with the user '${resetLinks[0].first.username}'; use the following link to reset the password: <br/>
<p><a href="${resetLinks[0].second}">Reset Password</a></p>
This email address is associated with several registered users, use corresponding links to reset their passwords:
<#list resetLinks as resetLink>
<a href="${resetLink.second}">Reset Password</a> for user '${resetLink.first.username}' <#if (resetLink.first.lastLoginTimestamp)??>(last logged in ${resetLink.first.lastLoginTimestamp?string("dd MMM yy HH:mm")})</#if><br/>
If you did not request a password reset from TeamCity, please ignore this message.