/********************************************************************* * A small custom icon class, which draws a two bit icon centered and * maximized, preserving the aspect ratio. * * This class was introduced to solve the following problems: * a) draw the icon with the current theme color * b) to work-around the strange streched icon I get in gnome-3.14 * * If there is a better way for a) using my previous svg icon file, * please let me know ;) ********************************************************************/ const Lang = imports.lang; const St = imports.gi.St; const Clutter = imports.gi.Clutter; const ExUt = imports.misc.extensionUtils; const Me = ExUt.getCurrentExtension(); const Utils = Me.imports.utils; const TwoColorIcon = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'TwoColorIcon', Extends: St.DrawingArea, _init : function(size, drawingObject) { this.parent({ reactive : true }); this.set_width(size); this.set_height(size); this._drawingObject = drawingObject; this.connect('repaint', Lang.bind(this, this._drawIcon)); // some fallback color this._primaryColor = new Clutter.Color({ red: 150, green: 150, blue: 150, alpha: 255 }); this._secundaryColor = this._primaryColor; this._currentStatus = null; }, setColor: function(primary, secundary) { this._primaryColor = primary; this._secundaryColor = secundary; this.queue_repaint(); }, setStatus: function(newStatus) { this._customStatus = newStatus; this.queue_repaint(); }, _drawIcon: function() { let cr = this.get_context(); let orWdt = this._drawingObject.width; let orHgt = this._drawingObject.height; let[width, height] = this.get_surface_size(); cr.save(); // layout object in box if (orWdt/orHgt > width/height) { // take full width and center vertically cr.scale(width/orWdt, width/orWdt); cr.translate(0, (orWdt-orHgt)*0.5); } else { cr.scale(height/orHgt, height/orHgt) cr.translate(-(orWdt-orHgt)*0.5, 0);; } this._drawingObject.draw(cr, this._customStatus, this._primaryColor, this._secundaryColor); cr.restore(); } }); const TeaPot = { width : 484, height : 295, draw : function(cr, stat, primary, secundary) { // draw TeaPot // cairo commands generated from svg2cairo // https://github.com/akrinke/svg2cairo Utils.setCairoColorFromClutter(cr, primary); cr.moveTo(127.894531, 276.472656); cr.curveTo(98.457031, 244.316406, 76.527344, 238.09375, 47.953125, 210.996094); cr.curveTo(17.957031, 186.902344, -7.5625, 148.257812, 2.066406, 108.261719); cr.curveTo(6.914062, 83.1875, 33.097656, 66.261719, 57.921875, 71.910156); cr.curveTo(75.457031, 74.132812, 91.273438, 82.546875, 106.296875, 91.351562); cr.curveTo(115.582031, 75.792969, 143.570312, 72.222656, 134.984375, 50.113281); cr.curveTo(148.652344, 38.449219, 169.386719, 38.300781, 186.574219, 34.550781); cr.curveTo(194.753906, 31.46875, 224.667969, 35.746094, 204.664062, 27.492188); cr.curveTo(191.921875, 8.488281, 224.023438, -2.769531, 239.1875, 0.589844); cr.curveTo(266.851562, -1.550781, 262.417969, 31.988281, 246.710938, 32.113281); cr.curveTo(277.785156, 34.632812, 309.761719, 36.359375, 339.148438, 47.523438); cr.curveTo(349.664062, 56.277344, 334.71875, 72.871094, 353.0625, 77.5625); cr.curveTo(365.789062, 87.367188, 373.671875, 119.875, 391.816406, 97.292969); cr.curveTo(408.726562, 84.214844, 418.597656, 56.902344, 444.113281, 60.386719); cr.curveTo(455.804688, 60.738281, 498.675781, 59.714844, 478.949219, 78.144531); cr.curveTo(459.007812, 90.46875, 438.289062, 106.699219, 434.382812, 131.382812); cr.curveTo(424.910156, 164.207031, 403.375, 177.308594, 377.503906, 202.261719); cr.curveTo(356.9375, 218.46875, 366.351562, 240.726562, 316.707031, 285.832031); cr.curveTo(289.941406, 297.757812, 175.589844, 302.082031, 127.894531, 276.472656); cr.closePath(); cr.moveTo(83.28125, 184.4375); cr.curveTo(78.351562, 164.75, 89.941406, 143.515625, 85.308594, 124.882812); cr.curveTo(73.085938, 112.210938, 40.816406, 104.996094, 44.332031, 130.574219); cr.curveTo(48.808594, 142.773438, 71.621094, 185.558594, 83.28125, 184.4375); cr.closePath(); cr.moveTo(83.28125, 184.4375); cr.setTolerance(0.1); cr.fillPreserve(); // end of image } // draw }; // TeaPot const Pie = { width : 1, height: 1, draw : function(cr, stat, primary, secundary) { const pi = Math.PI; const r = 0.5; if(stat == null) stat = 0; cr.translate(0.5, 0.5); cr.save(); Utils.setCairoColorFromClutter(cr, secundary); cr.moveTo(0, 0); cr.arc(0, 0, r, 3 / 2 * pi + 2 * pi * stat, 3 / 2 * pi + 2 * pi); cr.fill(); Utils.setCairoColorFromClutter(cr, primary); cr.moveTo(0, 0); cr.arc(0, 0, r, 3 / 2 * pi, 3 / 2 * pi + 2 * pi * stat); cr.fill(); } // draw }; // Pie