Write support in prefs.js

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Liebetraut 2013-05-22 01:55:30 +02:00
parent e3f238a2e3
commit 17d7c024d2

View File

@ -68,24 +68,44 @@ const TeaTimePrefsWidget = new Lang.Class({
this._tealist.set_column_types([GObject.TYPE_STRING, GObject.TYPE_INT, Gtk.Adjustment]);
this._settings = getSettings();
this._inhibitUpdate = true;
this._settings.connect("changed::" + SETTINGS_TEALIST_KEY, Lang.bind(this, this._refresh));
this.vexpand = true;
this._inhibitUpdate = false;
this._tealist.connect("row-changed", Lang.bind(this, this._save));
this._tealist.connect("row-deleted", Lang.bind(this, this._save));
_initWindow: function() {
this.treeview = new Gtk.TreeView({model: this._tealist, expand: true});
let teaname = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn({ title: _("Tea"), expand: true });
let renderer = new Gtk.CellRendererText({ editable: true });
// When the renderer is done editing it's value, we first write
// the new value to the view's model, i.e. this._tealist.
// This makes life a little harder due to chaining of callbacks
// and the need for this._inhibitUpdate, but it feels a lot cleaner
// when the UI does not know about the config storage backend.
renderer.connect("edited", Lang.bind(this, function(renderer, pathString, newValue) {
let [store, iter] = this._tealist.get_iter(Gtk.TreePath.new_from_string(pathString));
this._tealist.set(iter, [0], [newValue]);
teaname.pack_start(renderer, true);
teaname.add_attribute(renderer, "text", 0);
let steeptime = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn({ title: _("Steep time") });
let steeptime = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn({ title: _("Steep time"), min_width: 150 });
let spinrenderer = new Gtk.CellRendererSpin({ editable: true });
// See comment above.
spinrenderer.connect("edited", Lang.bind(this, function(renderer, pathString, newValue) {
let [store, iter] = this._tealist.get_iter(Gtk.TreePath.new_from_string(pathString));
this._tealist.set(iter, [1], [parseInt(newValue)]);
steeptime.pack_start(spinrenderer, true);
steeptime.add_attribute(spinrenderer, "adjustment", 2);
steeptime.add_attribute(spinrenderer, "text", 1);
@ -96,14 +116,24 @@ const TeaTimePrefsWidget = new Lang.Class({
this.addButton = new Gtk.ToolButton({ icon_name: "list-add-symbolic", use_action_appearance: false });
this.addButton.connect("clicked", Lang.bind(this, this._addTea));
this.toolbar.insert(this.addButton, -1);
this.removeButton = new Gtk.ToolButton({ icon_name: "list-remove-symbolic", use_action_appearance: false });
this.removeButton.connect("clicked", Lang.bind(this, this._removeSelectedTea));
this.toolbar.insert(this.removeButton, -1);
_refresh: function() {
// don't update the model if someone else is messing with the backend
if (this._inhibitUpdate)
let list = this._settings.get_value(SETTINGS_TEALIST_KEY);
// stop everyone from reacting to the changes we are about to produce
// in the model
this._inhibitUpdate = true;
for (let i = 0; i < list.n_children(); ++i) {
let item = list.get_child_value(i);
let teaname = item.get_child_value(0).get_string()[0];
@ -112,6 +142,51 @@ const TeaTimePrefsWidget = new Lang.Class({
let adj = new Gtk.Adjustment({ lower: 1, step_increment: 1, upper: 65535, value: time });
this._tealist.set(this._tealist.append(), [0, 1, 2], [teaname, time, adj]);
this._inhibitUpdate = false;
_addTea: function() {
let adj = new Gtk.Adjustment({ lower: 1, step_increment: 1, upper: 65535, value: 1 });
let item = this._tealist.append();
this._tealist.set(item, [0, 1, 2], ["", 1, adj]);
this.treeview.set_cursor(this._tealist.get_path(item), this.treeview.get_column(0), true);
_removeSelectedTea: function() {
let [selection, store] = this.treeview.get_selection().get_selected_rows();
let iters = [];
for (let i = 0; i < selection.length; ++i) {
let [isSet, iter] = store.get_iter(selection[i]);
if (isSet) {
// it's ok not to inhibit updates here as remove != change
iters.forEach(function(value, index, array) {
store.remove(value) }
_save: function(store, path_, iter_) {
// don't update the backend if someone else is messing with the model
if (this._inhibitUpdate)
let values = [];
this._tealist.foreach(function(store, path, iter) {
GLib.Variant.new_string(store.get_value(iter, 0)),
GLib.Variant.new_uint32(store.get_value(iter, 1))))
let settingsValue = GLib.Variant.new_array(GLib.VariantType.new("{su}"), values);
// all changes have happened through the UI, we can safely
// disable updating it here to avoid an infinite loop
this._inhibitUpdate = true;
this._settings.set_value(SETTINGS_TEALIST_KEY, settingsValue);
this._inhibitUpdate = false;